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An ant farm, also known as a formicarium, is a habitat designed for keeping and observing ants. It often consists of transparent panels and a filler substance like dirt or gel where ants can tunnel and live.

Starting an ant farm typically involves purchasing or building a formicarium, sourcing a queen ant, and providing appropriate food, water, and care for the colony.

Queen ants can often be sourced locally during their mating seasons, typically after a rainfall. Alternatively, they can be purchased from reputable ant sellers, but it's crucial to ensure it's legal to ship ants in your location.

Ants in a farm usually eat a diet of proteins and carbohydrates, often in the form of insects, seeds, and sugars. It's essential to research the specific dietary requirements of the ant species you're keeping.

Feeding frequency can vary depending on the size and species of your ant colony, but many ant keepers feed their ants every 2-3 days.

Ant farms often don't require much cleaning because ants are clean insects and have their waste management systems. However, old food should be removed to prevent mold.

Worker ants can live for a few months to a year, while queen ants can live for many years, sometimes over a decade.

Queen ants are the only ants in a colony capable of laying eggs, so they're essential for the colony's growth and survival.

If your ants are not tunneling, it might be due to stress, improper humidity or temperature, lack of a queen, or insufficient nutrition.

Most ant species are territorial and will not coexist peacefully. Mixing species often results in conflict.

If properly maintained, ant farms are not harmful to ants and can provide a safe and comfortable habitat for them.

Ants do have rest periods, but they don't sleep like humans. Instead, they take short power naps that, in total, can make up several hours a day.

It's possible to introduce wild ants into your ant farm, but it's crucial to ensure they have a queen, or they will not establish a colony.

Many ant species can thrive in an ant farm, but some beginner-friendly species include harvester ants, carpenter ants, and pavement ants.

It's generally discouraged to release captive ants into the wild as it can disrupt local ecosystems, especially if the ants are not native to the area.

Ants can die due to various reasons, including stress, disease, old age, lack of food or water, or unsuitable living conditions.

Piles of sand or other substrate materials in your ant farm are typically signs that your ants are digging.